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Résultats de recherche
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Harmony in pastoral care: music meeting pastoral care needs
1 de 10
Big oaks from little acorns grow: using a small group to strengthen a rural baptist church
2 de 10
Making preaching participatory between pulpit and pew
3 de 10
A specialized ministry to a dying congregation
4 de 10
The Lord's Supper in the life of the churches of christ: form, function and meaning - a theological investigation
5 de 10
The impact of multiple clergy roles on the counseling process of a parish-based pastoral counseling center
6 de 10
Couples in covenant: a pastoral resource for marital enrichment
7 de 10
Images of relationships to God: a process for building a trust relationship between pastor and congregation
8 de 10
A strategy for commitment to sexual purity among senior high students
9 de 10
Equipping the saints: enabling persons in the church to lead inductive Bible studies
10 de 10