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Résultats de recherche
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Ethnohermeneutics: disciplinary integration and pedagogical application
1 de 10
A phenomenological study of the impact of short-term missions experiences on protestant Chinese adolescents in the Greater Toronto area
2 de 10
Preaching like the Prophets: An Evaluation of the Hebrew Prophets as Examples for the Practice of Pastoral Preaching
3 de 10
Leading Through Succession: Why Pastoral Leadership is the key to a Healthy Transition
4 de 10
An Integrative Model for Sending Exogenous Missionaries to the Middle East and North Africa Through Relational Diaspora Missions
5 de 10
Developing a strategy for change using natural church development
6 de 10
Characteristics, causes and cures of nominality in Africa: a case study on faith mission churches
7 de 10
A mentor plan for Bible students
8 de 10
Ambassadors of Christ: a missiological study of Eritrea and Ethiopia (Erithio)
9 de 10
The Lord's Supper: a biblical and historical study for use in an adult setting
10 de 10