A Discovery Project on Forgivenesss and Reconciliation of Broken Relationships
1 of 10
The treatment of veterans diagnosed with posttraumatic stress disorder war trauma to heal their memories and achieve forgiveness, in conjunction with couples therapy
2 of 10
Blessed assurance: pastoral perspectives on preaching and teaching the reformed theology and practice of forgiveness and reconciliation
3 of 10
Impacting the arrested spiritual growth of a group of believers using a modified version of the Healing Care Group Curriculum
4 of 10
A forgiveness curriculum: facilitating emotional, relational, and spiritual healing through group process
5 of 10
Teaching and modeling forgiveness in the local church
6 of 10
The redemptive journey of forgiveness: getting back to who we are created to be
7 of 10
Preparing the post-embezzlement church for forgiveness
8 of 10
Restoring women's wholeness: a perspective based on the history of salvation