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Confessional study in the officer training of baby boomers and baby busters: [religious identity formation in the Presbyterian Church (USA)]
1 de 10
Improving New Member Catechesis and Integration at Grace Lutheran Church, Tulsa, Oklahoma, by means of a Lutheran Catechumenate
2 de 10
Who I am in Christ: how increasing one's self-knowledge before God impacts relational isolation
3 de 10
Christian identity influences at the workplace discovering behaviors of African American women
4 de 10
Doctrinal sermons for the formation of Methodist identity
5 de 10
The continuation of an ancient faith in a new world
6 de 10
Challenging the metanarratives of our culture: preaching for conversion of personal identity
7 de 10
The role of cosmogonic myth and metanarrative in shaping congregational identity
8 de 10
Becoming us: the formation of congregational identity in new church starts in the North Carolina Annual Conference
9 de 10
Building foundations for a life of faith through an emphasis on the Biblical narrative and affirmations of faith
10 de 10