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Résultats de recherche
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Intergeneraltional preaching accounting for the various dynamics of multigenerational churches
1 de 10
An examination of the starting point of a preacher's sermon as either being the text or the audience
2 de 10
Pneumatology and proclamation: the role of the Holy Spirit in preaching and sermon listening
3 de 10
Beyond the preaching task: a vocational retreat with Humbert of Romans
4 de 10
Standing in the gap: preaching in a post-Christendom culture
5 de 10
Preaching for transformation: developing sermons that aim at personal transformation
6 de 10
New life for small churches
7 de 10
Preaching morality without preaching moralism to young adults
8 de 10
Preaching Christ in Proverbs among urbanites
9 de 10
Literature and culture in conversation for the proclamation of the Holy Gospel
10 de 10