Résultats de recherche
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Developing the skill of life application preaching for soldier spiritual resiliency at Warrior Chapel, Baghdad, Iraq
1 de 9
A project on re-shaping the 'vision camp' in the Korean Army -- by utilizing the method of 're-authoring myth'
2 de 9
Prophets and warriors: military chaplains, the advisement of national strategic military leaders, and the revision of Joint Publication 1-05, 'Religious affairs in joint operations'
3 de 9
Case studies of the relationship of selected military father/husband leadership styles to the quality of family life
4 de 9
Being a helper to Korean soldiers during mandatory military service: chaplaincy in the Han Maum church in Gyounggido
5 de 9
Encouraging resilience: the Warrior Transition Unit Action Plan
6 de 9
Practical pastoral care: observations from a military chaplain in dealing with trauma
7 de 9
Spiritual survival during deployment: supporting the soldier in a foreign environment
8 de 9
Building congregational interest and enthusiasm by increased lay leadership in corporate worship
9 de 9