Résultats de recherche
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Affirming the suffering identity: re-writing suffering narratives of the Korean-American immigrant through small group Bible study
1 de 10
Preaching Christ with our eyes open: proclamation through an apologetic of suffering
2 de 10
Seven steps to healing: experiential reframing and its connections to Job and Jeremiah
3 de 10
Designing and developing a resource for families devastated by suicide
4 de 10
Preach! The psalms of lament
5 de 10
How shall we grow? preaching and teaching on suffering
6 de 10
From sulking to singing: the wonderful counselor's counsel, a study in Habakkuk
7 de 10
Redemptive meaning of suffering and death
8 de 10
From hopelessness to trust: an eight-week adult bible study on the Book of Job
9 de 10
A new paradigm for interim ministry in wounded congregations in reclaiming the laments of Israel
10 de 10