The orality of preaching: the power of speaking God's word
1 of 10
Developing a new member's class for Perimeter Road Baptist Church, Valdosta, Georgia
2 of 10
An investigation of the relationship between eucharistic practice and financial stewardship in the congregations of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America today
3 of 10
The development of a lay mobilization at First Baptist Church of Black Forest
4 of 10
Developing a pastoral care course on substance abuse related disorders: Triservice Addiction Recovery Facility, Tripler Army Medical Center, Hawaii
5 of 10
Local church models for mission in Korea: past, present, and future
6 of 10
Equipping members to formulate a personal leadership strategy: First Baptist Church of Vienna, Georgia
7 of 10
Teaching the priorities of ministry to existing members and newcomers
8 of 10
Learning organization theory applied to congregational development
9 of 10
Revisioning Pentecostal Bible College education: towards a pedagogy for renewal