Resultados de la búsqueda
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Perseverance of the saints: doctrinal unity and diversity among Oklahoma Christian Union ministers
1 of 10
On spiritual gifts
2 of 10
Enhancing worship through baptism
3 of 10
Listening to sermons: the influence of three listening variations upon information gain, attitude change, and concept modification
4 of 10
Cognitive moral development through a course on the study of nuclear military conflict
5 of 10
Developing biblical literacy in the local congregation
6 of 10
A theological hermeneutic of personality types
7 of 10
The impact of mass media upon society and the church's response to it: production of a live call-in family counseling television program
8 of 10
Black liberation theology: a brief introduction for a congregation
9 of 10
Before you build: a handbook of theological and liturgical considerations for mission, worship, and the meeting place
10 of 10