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Résultats de recherche
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Developing a Spiritual Formation Strategy for the Summer Staff at Cross Timbers Mission Adventure Camp in Davis, Oklahoma
1 de 10
Equipping selected leaders of Georgia Baptist Convention Churches to develop missional strategy for their respective churches
2 de 10
Developing a training resource to equip Filipino church planters in persecution contexts
3 de 10
Developing a strategy for new member orientation at Eastwood Baptist Church, Monroeville, Alabama
4 de 10
A social media strategy to engage the unreached and unengaged people groups of the Arabian Peninsula and Levant Cluster of the North Africa and Middle East Affinity Group
5 de 10
Equipping selected members of FBC Slidell, Louisiana, to develop house church leaders in Colombia through Bible storying
6 de 10
Developing a strategy to facilitate a church plant in the Easthaven community surrounding the Morrison Heights mission and ministry campus, Clinton, Mississippi
7 de 10
Developing a strategy to evangelize young married adults at Sunrise Church, Alabaster, Alabama
8 de 10
Equipping select believers at Pleasant Hill Baptist Church, Pollock, Louisiana in key components of spiritual formation
9 de 10
Equipping a selected group from Witt Baptist Church, Morristown, Tennessee, to develop skills of missional living
10 de 10