Resultados da Busca
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Her voice: the paradox of experiencing sexual violence and participating in Christian forgiveness for the African American Baptist woman and her church
1 of 9
Deliverance from Hurricane Katrina: hospitality from strangers
2 of 9
The stable pulpit: thriving in long term appointments within a culture of itinerancy
3 of 9
Millennials, postmodernity, and cross-cultural immersions (the theological intersection at which postmodern teenagers experience God through cross-cultural immersion)
4 of 9
American sign language as a means of grace
5 of 9
Trinity, community, and communication: challenge and opportunity for United Methodist witness and mission through 'cyberspace'
6 of 9
Spirituality and spiritual formation in the South Carolina Annual Conference of the United Methodist Church
7 of 9
Facing suffering with the help of fiction
8 of 9
Ministry with the homeless in Staunton, Virginia
9 of 9