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'Talitha cum' and the hemorrhaging woman as models of ecclesial liberation in the age of HIV/AIDS in an African American context
1 de 10
Trinity U.C.C. HIV/AIDS support ministry: response to silence
2 de 10
Only connect: a case study of liturgy as pastoral care for people affected by AIDS
3 de 10
Pastoral care in the AIDS crisis: ministering from a systems perspective
4 de 10
Liturgy as pastoral care for those with HIV/AIDS
5 de 10
Preaching in context: a phrophetic call to churches in Botswana
6 de 10
An East Africa team's response to the challenges of global interdependency working among the poor
7 de 10
Using cognitive dissonance to affect change in African American Christians' attitudes toward those with HIV/AIDS
8 de 10
A new paradigm: restructuring a missiological perspective for doing mission - the case of the Foreign Mission Board National Baptist Convention USA INC. HIV/AIDS Initiative in southern Africa
9 de 10
The black church's response to HIV/AIDS
10 de 10