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Résultats de recherche
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Beyond the broken window: status and kinship in the African-American urban church
1 de 10
Preaching for prophetic witness: inspiring a black middle-class congregation to engage its marginalized community
2 de 10
Americans of African Descent, the victim mentality, and value formation through a family
3 de 10
Separate is never equal: a study reviewing the Briggs v. Elliott case of Clarendon County, South Carolina
4 de 10
Identifying the major issues that have led to the decline in numbers of African American males in churches in west Philadelphia
5 de 10
The spiritual education of the black diaspora in the North American context: the task of the black church with spiritual, familial, economic, political and cultural implications for the black church, the black family and all of humanity
6 de 10
Christian spirituality: a resource for equipping, enabling, and empowering African American youth
7 de 10
Witnessing to the reality of Jesus: moving the church from the walls to the community
8 de 10
Introduction to economic empowerment ministry in black churches
9 de 10
A six-week economic management seminar for the Word of Life Missionary Baptist Church and community on economic empowerment
10 de 10