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Résultats de recherche
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A curriculum to teach pastors and church leaders in the Philippines to prepare and preach expository sermons
1 de 10
Radical, gospel, transformative hospitality of place
2 de 10
The association between prayer and evangelistic attitudes in selected evangelical churches
3 de 10
Counseling to the heart: a training program to equip women to counsel women
4 de 10
Not only with our lips but in our lives
5 de 10
An introduction of telecommunications to adult religious education
6 de 10
Pregnancy prevention among African-American adolescent boys: a case study
7 de 10
A proposal for the role of the Bible college in development of cross-cultural church planting by the Assemblies of God Church in Nigeria
8 de 10
Exploring the use of a self-study process to initiate renewal in small rural Presbyterian churches in mid-America
9 de 10
A critical study of pastors who have served congregations from 7 to 14 years' duration in the American Baptist Churches of the Northwest
10 de 10