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Résultats de recherche
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Ongoing catechesis : post-confirmation mystagogy
1 de 10
Connecting the modern church to the historical church : using history as a catechetical tool
2 de 10
Teaching Biblical Virtue for Lutheran Catechesis at Redeemer LCMS in Shawnee, Oklahoma
3 de 10
Post-confirmation Youth Retention through Educational Continuity
4 de 10
Speaking With One Voice: Catechesis in the Home, the Congregation, and the School
5 de 10
Life in Christ: Christian Formation Through Narrative Teaching and Preaching At Holy Cross and Immanuel Lutheran Churches
6 de 10
Post-divine service catechesis in Luther's Catechisms: reforming congregational identity
7 de 10
Improving New Member Catechesis and Integration at Grace Lutheran Church, Tulsa, Oklahoma, by means of a Lutheran Catechumenate
8 de 10
A catechetical curriculum for persons with intellectual disabilities
9 de 10
The voyage of the Corpus Christi: an interactive game-based aid for teaching the catechism
10 de 10