Résultats de recherche
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Incorporating visual images within the homiletic context
1 de 9
Development and evaluation of a pictorial guidebook and its companion video commentary on 'fine-tuning of the universe' for Chinese intellectuals as a tool for apologetics and evangelism
2 de 9
The use of still and multimedia images in teaching or preaching to enhance the youth pastor's ability to persuade and communicate with youth
3 de 9
Multimedia preaching in a university environment
4 de 9
The impact of visual aids on memory in preaching
5 de 9
Show me a story: a plan for the effective use of video illustrations in preaching
6 de 9
Preaching with visuals: a spirit-filled, electronic stained glass window
7 de 9
An interactive CD-ROM to accompany Haddon Robinson's Biblical Preaching, second edition
8 de 9
The role of multimedia in expository preaching
9 de 9