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Fostering Revival and Growth in an Urban Blighted Area through Community Stakeholders
1 di 10
Caring for our own: a ministry for doing restorative justice
2 di 10
A research on the pastoral care for the marginalized children through John Wesley's social welfare ministry: ('result in the children care center of Neulmanna Methodist Church community')
3 di 10
The collaborative role of church leadership in empowering a disenfranchised community
4 di 10
Holy people, holy sex: a critical analysis of the United Methodist Church's doctrine on homosexuality through theological anthropology
5 di 10
Discipleship in the 21st century: biblical and spiritual foundations
6 di 10
One community organizes against hate crime: a personal witness and reflection
7 di 10
Equipping United Methodists in a cultural middle congregation for social justice action and reflection through adult curriculum development
8 di 10
Identifying, measuring, and seeking to modify actions and attitudes about alcohol in the life of a local suburban United Methodist Church
9 di 10
The world within and beyond: revitalizing the practice of discipleship in the urban context
10 di 10