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Caring for the Spirit of the Family Caregiver
1 de 10
Exorcism and deliverance: an integrative method
2 de 10
Called to care: training Christian caregivers for ministry alongside those with life-limiting illness
3 de 10
Equipping selected members of Simpson Baptist Church, Simpson, Louisiana, in depression care skills
4 de 10
Equipping selected adult caregivers at Amelia Baptist Church, Fernandina Beach, Florida, in life management skills for aging parents
5 de 10
Caring for the caregiver: supporting and strengthening family caregivers through Desert Sky Baptist Church
6 de 10
A faith-centered exploration of the meaning of marriage for spouses of Alzheimer's patients
7 de 10
Developing a strategy to engage Florida Baptist churches in ministry to baby boomers who are caregivers
8 de 10
Helpful religious forms of coping for caregivers of people with a serious mental illness: integrating spirituality into caregiving
9 de 10
Respite care to caregivers in First Baptist Church, Stearns KY
10 de 10