Ten aspects of healing and empowerment a response on the essentials of healing ministry
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Evaluating Stephen ministry training and identifying lay caregiver characteristics at Granada Presbyterian Church
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Breaking the addiction cycle by planting a Set Free Church in Barry County, Missouri
3 of 10
The collaborative role of church leadership in empowering a disenfranchised community
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An exploration into the distinctive Catholic contributions of counseling centers in Northern Ireland as a platform for building a theology of peace and reconciliation
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A restorative justice ministry called 'Family Group Conferencing:' a practice of shalom
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Equipping a selected group of adults in the Sebastopol Baptist Church, Sebastopol, Mississippi, to develop a counseling ministry for persons in grief
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A comparative study of guidance counseling for high school seniors in a Christian school
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Developing insight into human purposefulness as a crucial element to effective biblical counseling
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Positive surrogate 'reparenting': discerning its effect on emotional well-being