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Résultats de recherche
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Idol notions : exploring the impact of the second commandment on the Exodus community
1 de 10
Jesus and Legba: a study of the gospel among people of African origin in the New World
2 de 10
Training lay leaders through the mentoring ministry in Saenuri Korean Baptist Church
3 de 10
Black bibliocentric and Christocentric preaching
4 de 10
Researching racial reconciliation in the Southern Baptist Convention
5 de 10
A study of Christian education by the pilgrimage of mission history in Korea focused on the Dongbackjeong Methodist Church and the Appenzeller Mission Memorial Center
6 de 10
The Impact of Past Hurts on Effective Ministry in a Local African American Church
7 de 10
Back to the Future: How Guided Awareness of Past Preaching can Enhance the Future Ministryof Preaching
8 de 10
Can a Theology of Table Bring Healing and Reconciliation in a Wounded African American Congregation
9 de 10
From Michigan to Missouri a history of German Lutheranism in mid-mometeenth century America
10 de 10