An account of our stewardship: assessing Christian character from a Wesleyan perspective in ministry candidates in the East Ohio Conference of the United Methodist Church
1 of 10
The role of the pastor in the process of developing ordained leadership
2 of 10
From pain to hope, healing and restoration in the lives of inmate's children
3 of 10
The Great Commission to parents: disciplining our children
4 of 10
Considering the 'word and communion' balance in Reformed Evangelical Presbyterian churches
5 of 10
Me generation discipleship
6 of 10
Discovering the equippers among us: using behavioral based interviews for identifying, drawing out, and nurturing the equipping leaders of Ephesians 4:11
7 of 10
Redemptorist parish missions and models of the church: developing a process of pastoral interviews
8 of 10
Discovering the story of Spring Creek Baptist Church through life histories, world view test, and guided interviews
9 of 10
Trinity Church: a sesquicentennial history of the Episcopal Church in Yazoo County, Mississippi