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When the tradition becomes toxic: the effect of a rigid belief system on the development of a cohesive self
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Post-divine service catechesis in Luther's Catechisms: reforming congregational identity
2 di 9
Improving New Member Catechesis and Integration at Grace Lutheran Church, Tulsa, Oklahoma, by means of a Lutheran Catechumenate
3 di 9
Discovery Spiritual practices of Lutheran parishioners
4 di 9
Walking together: the development of a missional relationship with companion synod partners based on an accompaniment model
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Some elements of a multilayer dynamic strategic plan for the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod in Turkey
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Called, gathered, enlightened and sanctified: using Luther's catechisms and Bowen family systems theory to move beyond chronic parish anxiety and conflict toward vibrant mission
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Vignettes of faith experiences
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Teaching them all things: an inquiry into the role of parents in the Christian education of their baptized children
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