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An analysis of systems that train and release servant leaders for the edification of the church and the evangelization of the world
1 de 10
Developing servant leadership in the Wesleyan church of Myanmar
2 de 10
In search of Diakonia: the quest of a Black congregation
3 de 10
A leader among servants : a manual for deacons' conference leaders : an examination into how deacons conferences and their leaders can better equip deacons in the local congregation to fulfill their office
4 de 10
Implementing A Relational Serving Model At Gather In San Antonio, Texas To Motivate People To Reach Out To Others In Their Social Circles Spiritually And Socially
5 de 10
The Effect of an Approach to Mission that Focuses on the Spiritual Formation of the "Remnant"
6 de 10
The Integration Of High School Students Serving Among Families In Homeless Crisis For Transformational Ministry
7 de 10
Inspiring a passion for service ministry in seniors at McKenzie Road Baptist Church
8 de 10
Creating a Process to Identify the Appropriate Persons for Service Positions at the First Baptist Church of Graton
9 de 10
The Whole Servant Leader: Leading from the Inside Out
10 de 10