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Preparando a los laicos para el ministerio: la escuela de discipulado 'Principe de Paz'
1 of 10
The work of the people: from silence to faithful proclamation
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Forgiving others: preaching for the people of the First Congregational Church of Falmouth, Massachusetts of the United Church of Christ
3 of 10
The pulpit and the pews come together: transformative imagery and collaborative preaching at West Des Moines Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)
4 of 10
Preaching as incarnational evocation: experiential narrative as embodying witness to the active presence of the divine in human life
5 of 10
The Order of Good Shepherds: recognizing, affirming and nurturing ministry in the health care community
6 of 10
A pedagogy of partnership: a church based rite of passage program for African American adolescent males
7 of 10
The application of Halacha to end of life ethical decisions in interfaith settings
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Trinity U.C.C. HIV/AIDS support ministry: response to silence
9 of 10
The master narratives series: revitalizing the local church by engaging the Biblical stories
10 of 10