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Ministering to adolescents in an institutional setting
1 of 10
A Heuristic correlation of Kohutian self psychology and Pauline anthropology as a resource for pastoral psychotherapy
2 of 10
Ministering toward congregational maturity : a Reformed perspective
3 of 10
The impact of aging upon the attitudes older church members have about their congregations
4 of 10
Raising faith-full children : a handbook for parents of early adolescents
5 of 10
An integration of theological and psychosocial method for interpreting congregational development
6 of 10
On holy ground : spiritual formation with a reformed accent
7 of 10
The illustrated sermon : a guide for the use and evaluation of metaphor in preaching
8 of 10
A manual for ministry with single parent families in the Air Force
9 of 10
A model of process for interpersonal interaction in marital therapy
10 of 10