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Increasing the participation of racial minorities in the life of the Moody Church
1 of 10
Cultivating healthy prayer practice among church leaders
2 of 10
A self-directed reading program incorporating sacred and secular literature and motion pictures for the purpose of enhancing an expository preaching ministry
3 of 10
Some elements of a multilayer dynamic strategic plan for the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod in Turkey
4 of 10
Teaching laypersons to preach: a renewed approach
5 of 10
The first five years: critical factors to the successful intentional translation from a long-tenured senior pastor
6 of 10
Growth factors identified in churches in French-speaking Belgium
7 of 10
'Picturing' lay ministry: photovoice and participatory group spiritual gifts assessment
8 of 10
The power of place and story in preaching: an autobiographical and pastoral reflection
9 of 10
Hurricane Katrina: scarred by tragedy / disaster / crisis / challenge, renewed by hope
10 of 10