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Forming and training a small group leadership team to plan a small group ministry at Westbrook Baptist Church, Hutchinson, Kansas
1 di 10
Church as home: what young married couples value
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Equipping young adult members at Ranch Acres Baptist Church, Tulsa, Oklahoma, to use principles of fellowship as a strategy for evangelistic church growth
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Pastoral care groups
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A study on the inculturation of ancestor veneration at the eucharistic celebration during 'Tet'
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Worship that speaks to the core of our being
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Enriching families in the parish through the use of musical drama
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Equipping a representative group of leaders to develop and initiate a functional strategy implementing selected principles of natural church development
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The promise of community: sharing life together in small groups at Anne Ashley Church
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Developing a church based, ecumenical department of pastoral and spiritual care for a major health care system
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