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The Plan of Salvation: A Fifteen-Week Christological Survey of the Scriptures for Saint John Lutheran Fraser, Michigan
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The Mid-Week Divine Service: Its Theology, History, Usage and Implementation in a Lutheran Parish Church
2 di 10
Swimming Against the Stream: Re-dedicating to Parochial School Education in a Post-Christian Context
3 di 10
The Place and Purpose of Spiritual Gifts In the Scripture: The Understanding of the EECMY-IBS Congregations in Mettu and Alge Towns
4 di 10
Life in Christ: Christian Formation Through Narrative Teaching and Preaching At Holy Cross and Immanuel Lutheran Churches
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Visitation of the Elderly Homebound at Christ Lutheran Church, Platte Woods, Missouri: A Directional Methodology Study
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A Comparative Study of Deductive and Homiletical Plot Sermons and their Effectiveness in Proclaiming the Gospel
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Evaluation of the Accountable Leadership Model of Governance at Concordia Lutheran Church
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Teaching the Faith Using Fiction
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Strengthening Integrity and Accountability in the Leadership of the Lutheran Church of Nigeria
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