Drawing the mandala: a spiritual path to wholeness
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Will a group of believers grow in true biblical spirituality through a course that teaches the principles and practice of four spiritual disciplines?
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The Chinese churches in the USA
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Africa, one continent and many religions: towards interreligious dialogue in Africa
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Development and evaluation of a program for improving relational skills in teaching at Grace Baptist Church, Singapore
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The doctrine of nonresistance: a historical survey with special attention being given to the Fellowship of Grace Brethren Churches and the Grace Brethren Church of Longview, Texas
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Developing a team approach to local church planting within the university community in Tokyo, Japan
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Spiritual injuries and substance abuse: implications for pastoral care
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God's land, our land: linking faith and the land struggle in Brazil
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Family renewal and the mission of the Kuki, Chin and Zomi peoples of Northeast India