The Christian holistic equipment in the redemption of Jesus Christ our Lord
1 of 10
Research into expository preaching: using 1 Peter as a model for preparation of expository sermons based on the structural analysis of the biblical text
2 of 10
Evaluating the effect of a ten week multi-level mentor training course on cell leaders and cell members being trained to make disciples by mentoring at multiple levels
3 of 10
A curriculum of evangelical and pentecostal distinctives on the Holy Spirit developed for Faithful Central Missionary Baptist Church
4 of 10
Showing an affirming flame: meditations on Christian vitality
5 of 10
Using a prayer task force as a means of outreach
6 of 10
Developing a network of lay pastoral care workers in a local church
7 of 10
Developing a first person biblical preaching as a means of creative communication
8 of 10
A history and theology of regional ministry in the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)
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First steps toward a piety of baptism in the local church