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Equipping selected members of Walker Baptist Church, Monroe, Georgia, in orphan ministry
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Equipping selected members of Pisgah Forest Baptist Church, Brevard, North Carolina, in servant leadership skills
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Equipping selected members of Providence Baptist Church, Jayess, Mississippi, in greeter ministry skills
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Equipping selected members of Poydras Baptist Church, St. Bernard, Louisiana, in personal evangelism skills
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Developing a strategy for Bethsaida Baptist Church, Philadelphia, Mississippi, to plant an Hispanic congregation in Neshoba County
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Equipping a selected group of fathers from New Victoria Baptist Church, Woodstock, Georgia, to lead in the spiritual development of their children
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Equipping a select group of leaders from the Daenner Protestant Congregation of Kaiserlautern, Germany, to implement a contemporary, seeker-friendly worship format
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Developing a mentoring ministry for new members at the Parkway Baptist Church, Tupelo, Mississippi
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Equipping selected members of First Baptist Church in Pelham, Georgia, to discover their spiritual gifts and appropriate ministry involvement
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An examination of effective leadership and its implication among lay leaders in the local church
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