Select an image to start the slideshow
To Be Churched or Unchurched: The Millennial's Dilemma
1 of 10
Recovering a Biblical Form of Spiritual Formation in Contemporary Pentecostal Churches
2 of 10
Faith-Driven Impact Investing: Renewing a Belief that an Investment in Entrepreneurialism and Commerce is Central to God's Plan of Redemption and Human Flourishing
3 of 10
Deaf Pastor Cohort: Self-Care for Deaf Pastors
4 of 10
Best Practices for Transformational Discipleship in North Dakota Assembly of God Churches
5 of 10
Happiness Groups as a Strategy for Transforming a Chinese Church from Attractional to Missional
6 of 10
Healthy Parenting in the Family System
7 of 10
Investigating and Increasing the Efficiency and Effectiveness of the Children's Ministry at Victory Church of Melbourne, Florida
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Ambition and Leading Teams Effectively
9 of 10
The Loss of Baptist Identity: How the Loss of the Baptist Name Impacts Theological Identity
10 of 10