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Researching the major contemporary perspectives of soteriology among Southern Baptists in order to develop a curriculum for Texas Baptist students
1 of 10
How does God save? a four-week course examining the soteriological spectrum at Saint Andrew Presbyterian Church
2 of 10
Restoring women's wholeness: a perspective based on the history of salvation
3 of 10
Enjoying Jesus Christ and the riches of his grace: do you know how rich you are in Christ? a seven-week adventure
4 of 10
Exploration 21: whose God is God?
5 of 10
Suffering, salvation, and pastoral care
6 of 10
Understanding salvation today: contemporary reformed options
7 of 10
Between baptism and communion: a pastoral soteriology
8 of 10
The kingdom of God and Walter Rauschenbusch: a synthesis of personal salvation and social transformation
9 of 10
Religious pluralism: context and challenge for mission in the local church
10 of 10