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Reaching out to the urban poor in the city of Ahmedabad in India
1 of 10
What shall I tell my children: a ministry for tutoring and mentoring Black boys
2 of 10
Models of ministry with the homebound elderly: one congregation's story
3 of 10
Release evil ... embrace love: healing ritual and pastoral care in the context of multiple personality disorders
4 of 10
A case study of dropout students in a Korean-American community
5 of 10
Beyond words: therapy for the human spirit
6 of 10
Claiming the strengths of pastoral counseling and psychotherapy from an African-American perspective: doing ministry in a cross-cultural setting
7 of 10
Watching dog no more: the immigrant Taiwanese church responds to older Taiwanese adults in America
8 of 10
Cross-cultural ministry: a personal journey
9 of 10
Covenanting in an urban context
10 of 10