
An Examination Of How To Revitalize A Church In A Demographically Changed Community

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MLA citation style (9th ed.)

Doleshal, Robert. An Examination Of How To Revitalize A Church In A Demographically Changed Community.

APA citation style (7th ed.)

D. Robert. An Examination Of How To Revitalize A Church In A Demographically Changed Community.

Chicago citation style (CMOS 17, author-date)

Doleshal, Robert. An Examination Of How To Revitalize A Church In A Demographically Changed Community.

Note: These citations are programmatically generated and may be incomplete.

Dichiarazione dei diritti
  • Demographic diversity is both a cause for church decline and churchrevitalization. Homogenous churches used to reflect homogenous communities, whereresidents were basically the same ethnically, linguistically, socio-economically,religiously, and politically. More communities today are blended. This author is pastor ofa church established in 1953 by a community of middle-class white farmers, who movedto the area after World War II. The community is, now, comprised of people withmultiple ethnicities, languages, socio-economic statuses, religions, and politicalideologies.Utilizing the case study method for this research, three churches, whosecommunities had gone through significant demographic changes and who successfullynavigated from homogenous to multicultural churches, were identified and studied.Senior pastors who went through the revitalized transition were interviewed. Thisresearch sought to discover how these churches, from these pastors’ perspective, acted toreflect the demographics of the community, how the congregations became engaged inthe transition, how the senior pastor led through the tension of change, what musicalchanges were employed, and what cultural preferences of the homogenous church weresubjugated to accommodate multicultural acceptance for the church community
Tipo di risorsa
Ente per il rilascio dei titoli di studio
Ente ospitante
Ultima modifica
  • 02/16/2024

