
The development of a seminar on pastoral ethics and professional boundaries to be used in a Clinical Pastoral Education program of the Verdery Center for Pastoral Counseling, Healing, and Pastoral Education

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MLA citation style (9th ed.)

Robin D Booth. The Development of a Seminar On Pastoral Ethics and Professional Boundaries to Be Used In a Clinical Pastoral Education Program of the Verdery Center for Pastoral Counseling, Healing, and Pastoral Education. Columbia Theological Seminary.

APA citation style (7th ed.)

R. D. Booth. The development of a seminar on pastoral ethics and professional boundaries to be used in a Clinical Pastoral Education program of the Verdery Center for Pastoral Counseling, Healing, and Pastoral Education.

Chicago citation style (CMOS 17, author-date)

Robin D Booth. The Development of a Seminar On Pastoral Ethics and Professional Boundaries to Be Used In a Clinical Pastoral Education Program of the Verdery Center for Pastoral Counseling, Healing, and Pastoral Education. Columbia Theological Seminary.

Note: These citations are programmatically generated and may be incomplete.

Déclaration des droits
  • Numerous religious bodies, associations and judicatories have been confronted with abuses perpetrated on parishioners, clients, patients and others by clergypersons who come under their jurisdiction. This project focuses on the teaching and instructing of pastoral ethics and professional boundaries within a program of Clinical Pastoral Education. Presenting issues that surround this subject matter, the author offers his experiences of teaching a ten-week seminar on pastoral ethics and professional boundaries to a group of students enrolled in the Clinical Pastoral Education program of the Verdery Center, Atlanta, Georgia. Student evaluations and feedback were used to evaluate the structure of the seminar. The author discovered that students' understanding and comprehension of the subject matter increased and enhanced their professional development.
Type de ressource
Institution délivrant des diplômes
Établissement d'accueil
Dernière modification
  • 02/17/2024

