
Engaging Hispanic American Catholic Theologians and Max Weber's Theory of Ideal Types for a Deeper Consideration of Social Location with Catholic Relief Service Managers

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MLA citation style (9th ed.)

Thomas M Howard. Engaging Hispanic American Catholic Theologians and Max Weber's Theory of Ideal Types for a Deeper Consideration of Social Location with Catholic Relief Service Managers. Catholic Theological Union.

APA citation style (7th ed.)

T. M. Howard. Engaging Hispanic American Catholic Theologians and Max Weber's Theory of Ideal Types for a Deeper Consideration of Social Location with Catholic Relief Service Managers.

Chicago citation style (CMOS 17, author-date)

Thomas M Howard. Engaging Hispanic American Catholic Theologians and Max Weber's Theory of Ideal Types for a Deeper Consideration of Social Location with Catholic Relief Service Managers. Catholic Theological Union.

Note: These citations are programmatically generated and may be incomplete.

Declaración de derechos
  • By becoming more skilled in attending to and asserting experience through theological anthropology, ideal type analysis and critical theory, the author proposes that a deeper consideration of social location can indicate areas for improvement for Catholic Relief Service relationship managers in their pastoral praxis with the U.S. Hispanic Catholic community in church-related global solidarity efforts. Theological anthropology helps deconstruct the author's personal experience in Part One. Max Weber's theory of ideal types continues the author's systematic arguments for placing social location as a primary consideration in pastoral ministry in Part II. In the final section conclusions are offered when a truth claim originating from the United States Catholic Conference of Bishops is tested by considerations of social location.
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Institución que otorga títulos
Institución de acogida
Última modificación
  • 02/17/2024

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