
Develop and test an evangelistic workshop based on First Peter in order to equip members...for evangelistic outreach in their daily lives

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MLA citation style (9th ed.)

Stanley G Reid. Develop and Test an Evangelistic Workshop Based On First Peter In Order to Equip Members...for Evangelistic Outreach In Their Daily Lives. Perkins School of Theology Southern Methodist University.

APA citation style (7th ed.)

S. G. Reid. Develop and test an evangelistic workshop based on First Peter in order to equip members...for evangelistic outreach in their daily lives.

Chicago citation style (CMOS 17, author-date)

Stanley G Reid. Develop and Test an Evangelistic Workshop Based On First Peter In Order to Equip Members...for Evangelistic Outreach In Their Daily Lives. Perkins School of Theology Southern Methodist University.

Note: These citations are programmatically generated and may be incomplete.

Déclaration des droits
  • This practicum/project addresses the absence of evangelistic outreach in the Granbury Church of Christ. The goal is equipping members of this church for evangelistic outreach. An assumption is that evangelism must draw its fundamental content and inspiration from the early community that gave birth to its initial efforts. I Peter is used as a paradigm for evangelistic strategy. Attention is given to the theological foundation for evangelism. This is compared to the theological emphasis that traditionally has driven Churches of Christ. The practicum was developed as a workshop on evangelism presented to leaders of a small group ministry in the Granbury Church of Christ. Shared praxis was the pedagogical method used. The main goal proved to be too ambitious for this task. However, it did succeed in inspiring and convicting these leaders of their evangelistic responsibility.
Type de ressource
Institution délivrant des diplômes
Établissement d'accueil
Dernière modification
  • 02/17/2024

